Friday, November 28, 2014

Sea glass backsplash

My home, for what it's worth, was built in 1978.  The stove that was in the house when we bought it was, I'm pretty sure, original.  It had a microwave that had dials and a flip clock.  The stove had developed several issues: dodgy burners, inaccurate knobs that were illegible, the oven which would select whatever temperature it wished to bake.  So I had a modest epiphany that it was actually possible to BUY A NEW STOVE.  Yes, believe it or not it took me about two years to make this realization, because my mind is pretty well set on repairing, upcycling, or just making whatever it is I need in my life, as well as stuff that I don't need but just find cool or interesting.

So, I bought a new stove/oven.  Which has a glass top and a great big oven, but then I didn't have a microwave for a while, and I had a big ugly space where the old ugly microwave used to be.  There was some of the old, original wallpaper underneath, which was earthtoney (blerg) and uninspiring (to me).

Then, my luddite self succumbed to my modern self, and I got a new microwave to go over the stove.  It sat in the kitchen for a while before I decided I needed to install it.  One concern on my mind was what to do with that little bit of wall space under the microwave and over the stove.  My mind said "backsplash".  But what to put there?  I was wary of having to cut tile or glass for such a small space. Then two wonderful women inspired me.  First, my friend Christina said "Why don't you use some of that sea glass you've been making?" Why don't I indeed?  Another modest epiphany.
This part took me quite a while.  I don't know how long but over an hour I'm sure.
Then, one of my dear Peace Corps friends, Nicole, posted a tutorial on her blog on how to use river rock for a very similar project.  So following Nicole's instructions, these are the results:

Here it is after setting all the glass tiles, but before grouting.  Break time
After the thin-set mortar, the grout.  I went with white.
Ta-daa!  Now I will wait a week to seal it and caulk the edges.

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