A brief rant.
I find a lot of recipes out there in the blogosphere. And they tend to follow, what is to me, a very annoying formula.
Name of recipe for title. LONG story about their life and people I do not know or care about. Eventually, after much scrolling, recipe. Ads. Sigh. Drives me bananas. Want to know what else drives me bananas? Of course you don't. If you're here, you want to know about my recipe, which barely qualifies as a recipe because if only requires two ingredients.
1 ripe mango, about a cup and a half of mango flesh?
1/2 can of full cream coconut milk, Whole 30 compliant if that's your thing. Unsweetened. All the sweetness you need is in the ripe mango.
I used to be a dedicated mango-hedgehog maker, but then I saw this video of a guy making a mango flower on a stick. Now I just (wash my hands), peel the mango, and cut off the flesh in great big chunks, or sloppily eat it over the sink. Because I am a man and alone a lot of the time, so I can get away with this indulgence.
Cut the mango flesh into a food processor, and process it into a pulp. Add half a can of coconut cream and mix it all up. Pour into Popsicle molds. My Popsicle molds accommodate about a cup and a third of Popsicle guts for the four treats. Place in freezer and be patient. Wait at least 3 hours, or you might make this face
That's a self portrait of me with a popsicle stick in my hand with no popsicle because I wasn't patient. So if you'd rather look like this
Be patient. Not to get preachy but that really helps with a lot of things in life, at least that's been my experience.