Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mammal phylogeny mobile

Another project I've been meaning to get to involves using plastic animals.  This time, it's a mobile.  This mobile is meant to demonstrate a biological concept, the phylogenetic tree. 

Darwin himself came up with the first phylogenetic tree, as a way of modeling descent with modification. 
Darwin proposed that the hierarchical relationships proposed by Linnaeus were a reflection of the descent from common ancestors.  For example, polar bears, grizzly bears, brown bears and black bears (which biologists all assign to the genus Ursus), are similar because they share a common ancestor.  And furthermore, bears are similar to giant pandas and sunbears because of a more ancient ancestor, and members of the bear family share similarities with seals, skunks and raccoons because of a more ancient common ancestor, and so on and so forth.

We can apply this descent with modification model to any taxon (named group of organisms). For my first phylogeny mobile, I chose mammals.  I'm a big fan of making things with plastic animals. I have a lot of animals I spray-painted gold, for example, which I've used as participation tokens in one of the biology classes I've taught. 

My materials are fairly simple and inexpensive.  The plastic animals can be bought online, or at a big retail place.  I got some at a party supply place. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Bling bling football

This is a craft idea that's been in process for a long time.  My ultimate vision is to make a disco ball out of a football.  I've tried to find a rigid plastic football, so I don't have to worry about inflation.  I couldn't find one, so I ended up buying a cheap inflatable football, which I spraypainted black.  As for the mirrored pieces, I couldn't find anything acceptable within my price range. The next best thing I could find was strips of bling.  I thought I might be able to glue the strips, 4 or 5 rows across, onto the football, but that didn't work so well either, so I cut the wide strips into thin strips.
Then came the hot glue.  This took a lot longer than I expected. 
I used a bamboo skewer to tap the bling into place.
I had to leave a small gap for the inflation hole.
Et voila!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My crafting influences

I just had an epiphany about my craftiness and who my inspirations are. They are:  the A-Team and MacGuyver. Did the producers of these shows even fathom that one day, their viewers might be inspired to start an up cycling revolution?  I have to wonder.