Sunday, September 22, 2013


I like to joke with my girls about our secret family recipe for ice. They say, "What is it, water?" And I say the secret ingredient is cold.
Today I decided to scratch an itch I've had for a week now,  
I made myself a BLT using my favorite Ingredients. 
Bacon:  I've found that the best bacon can be had from the deli case at my local Kroger. And it's less expensive than the packaged stuff. It's thick cut and I like the peppered variety though I get some of the regular as well for my daughter who has a narrow palate (she's a very picky eater). 

So peppered bacon, some choice tomatoes, I use the spring mix for my lettuce, ripe avocado, and spicy brown mustard and light mayo. Mmmmmmmm good!